Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Blog 5

List of Sources:

Bridges, Sarah, and Richard Disney. "Debt and Depression." Journal of Health Economics 29.3 (2010): 388-403. Web.

Cooke, Richard, Michael Barkham, Kerry Audin, Margaret Bradley, and John Davy. "Student Debt and Its Relation to Student Mental Health." Journal of Further and Higher Education 28.1 (2004): 53-66. Web.

Dyrbye, Liselotte N., Matthew R. Thomas, and Tait D. Shanafelt. "Medical Student Distress: Causes, Consequences, and Proposed Solutions." Mayo Clinic Proceedings 80.12 (2005): 1613-622. Web.

 Festinger, L. "A Theory of Social Comparison Processes." Human Relations 7.2 (1954): 117-40. Web. 

 "Journal of Further and Higher Education." Student Debt and Its Relation to Student Mental Health: : Vol 28, No 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016. 

Liu, Jiangmeng, Cong Li, Nick Carcioppolo, and Michael North. "Do Our Facebook Friends Make Us Feel Worse? A Study of Social Comparison and Emotion." Human Communication Research 42.4 (2016): 619-40. Web. 

 Novotney, Amy. "Facing up to Debt." American Psychological Association (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 

Taibbi, Matt. "Ripping Off Young America: The College-Loan Scandal." Rolling Stone. N.p., 2013. Web. 05 Dec. 2016. 

 "The Mental and Physical Toll of Student Loans." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Williams, Jeffrey. "The Pedagogy of Debt." College Literature 33.4 (2006): 155-69. Web.

***I have a book but I cannot cite it because I have to purchase it. It is about social comparison*** 

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